Fingkey/Fingkey Access-2/Fingkey Access Plus Support guidelines.
A] At Client End Scope Of Work
01] Firstly device mounting demarcations
02] 230Vac@5/6AMP/UPS Power Socket required at Device marked locations.
03] LAN Cable and Free IP'S required at device place properly routed.
04] A Desktop dedicated/Sever Network PC required.
05] HR/Admin Office required to get the training
B] ON-Site Engineer's working Scope.
01] Device to be fixed by using its Wall mount Plate/Bracket to mount the Hardware.
02] Power and LAN network cable to be plugged IN.
03] Hardware Configurations Viz: Terminal and Server IP.
04] Using I-Access Mobile App configurations Steps.
05] Mobile App details and its training to HR/Admin Person.
Hardware Wall mounting Image Looks Like.
Product Description
Access Manager Installation
Note : Before Installation of ACm Pro, Need to install SQL and configure it first then start Installation of ACM Pro.
Please make sure that Windows Firewall And Antivirus Should be OFF.
Click on new SQL Server Stand Alone Installation
Check on I Accept License term and click on Next.
Select All Features and Click On Next
Select Named instance and then Click On Next
Select Startup Type For SQL Server Browser as Automatic and then click on Next
Check on Mixed Mode and Enter password which you want and then click on Next.
Now SQL Server setup installed successfully, now click on Close.
SQL Configuration Manager Settings.
After successfully installation of SQL Server Setup, Click On Start Button And search Microsoft SQL Server 2012 In that click on Configuration Tool . After that click on SQL Server Configuration Manager
Select SQL Server Network Configuration => Double click on Protocols For SQLEXPRESS.
Now Enable Protocols Status one by One.
Now Go to properties of TCP/IP Enable the protocol
By Enabling Protocol Please Go to IP Addresses and Enable IP Addresses as per the Snapshots.
Please confirm once your Server IP is visible in this IP Address.
How To Find Server IP
Go to Start and Search 'command prompt' then write one command "ipconfig" and Hit Enter key. Then you will get IPv4 Address.
Now Click On Apply button after that one pop-up msg box will come please click on OK button.
Now Restart the SQL Server Services(SQL server(SQLExpress and SQL Server Browser) as per the Image and close the Window.
Your Configuration is complete Now.
INSTALLATION OF Access Manager Professional
This section describes how to install Access Manager Professional for
the Access Server.
Double-click [setup.exe] in the installation CD of
Access Manager Professional to start the installation.
When the installation process is started, the Installation Wizard
for the Access Manager Professional will appear. Click [Next].
Read the license agreement and accept its terms. Then click [Next].
Enter the user information and serial number, and click [Next].
Chose the destination Folder location of the setup to be installed then click on Next.
Select the functions to install and click [Next]. As these instructions refer to the AccessServer, select [AccessServer].
AccessServer – Both AccessServer and AccessManager (a remote management program) will be installed.
AccessManager – Only AccessManager will be installed.
If the database server is SQLEXPRESS, input the server IP and the instance name (default : sqlexpress) set during the installation of SQLEXPRESS (For Old Setup)
For New Setup :
1)Search server name by click search icon then select server name
2) input ID & password (ID: sa & password : )
3) Select database path by simply click on search icon.
Then Click on Next.
Click on Finish.
After clicking Finish button click on Start Button find on Access Manager Icon
Window will appear, Here need to set user inputs like maximum Fingerprint count 1 or 2, user Id length 4- 16 and RF Card type (EM, Mifare, HID) then click on next .
Please make sure all selected details are correct then only move ahead . Click on Yes to continue.
Input ID and name and password for Master ID Login then click on OK.
Window will appear then get access to access manager.
Entering Administrator Menu
Enter Master ID
Terminal users include general users and administrators. General users are only allowed to open the door while the administrator can use the Administrator menu to control the door as well as the terminal’s functions.
1. To enter the Administrator menu, touch the “MENU”button at the lower of the touch pad.
2. Input the administrator ID and follow the authentication process. The Administrator menu will be displayed. Because no users have yet been registered, any user can enter the Administrator menu. At least one administrator for should be registered for security purposes.
The Administrator Menu has Seven Sub Menus as shown below.
The following describes each sub menu.
Now Configure the device and start the Enrollment by using Fingerprint, RF Card or Face (Device only)
How To Configure Network settings From hardware Side.
The FingkeyAccessTM terminal can function either in network or stand-alone mode. Wire-line networks are supported in the network mode. If the DHCP option is deactivated, the terminal IP, subnet mask, and gateway must be inputted manually.
Terminal ID
Enter a unique terminal ID between 1 and 2000. The same terminal ID cannot be used in the same server.
2. TCP/IP Settings
After selecting network mode, TCP/IP must be configured to connect to the server.
3. Press “on” in the “DHCP” menu to decide to use DHCP. When using DHCP, enter into the server IP and port information of the server with AccessManager Professional installed.
Mostly clients preffer Press"OFF" in the DHCP.
4. Now we need to Enter Terminal IP Address, which is free in the network.
5. After Entering Terminal IP Next option is Gateway. Please Enter Gateway.
6. Next now Enter from "Network" 4th sub option is Subnet mask.
7. Now Enter the details from "Network" 4th option is Server IP(on which Access manager installed)
Port Settings
Communication between the terminal and a PC is available with port information entered. Default value is “7332” and the range of the input is 2000 - 65535. To change port information in the terminal, adjust communication setting of the Access Manager Server Program correspondingly.
Now Here done with All Network settings from device side.
How to Enroll User.
User Management Menu
The administrator can register, delete and change users with the User menu.
User Registration
The maximum number of users that can be registered is the 20,000 templates. (10,000 uesrs).
By clicking on "Register User" It will ask "Input ID and Authentication Type(FP/PWD/Card)" Now select Normal/Master User and click on Enter. Now User Enrolled successfully message display.
User Change
User IDs are unique and cannot be changed. However, group, privilege, fingerprint, and authentication type can be changed in the “Modify” menu.
User Deletion
In network mode, the User menu supports each user deletion only. The administrator can delete users registered at a certain terminal or all users by selecting “Menu -> User Management”.
Fingerprint Sensor Settings
Settings related to fingerprint sensor options such as security level, fingerprint capture time, capture mode, LFD precision, and sensor brightness can be configured.
Authentication Security Level
The security level is set according to the authentication method. The security level for 1:1 authentication is between 1 and 9, and the default is 5. The security level for 1:N authentication is between 5 and 9, and the default is 8. If the security level is too high, authentication failure rate may rise, and if it security level is too low, the misreading rate may rise. Therefore, the default level should be used. This level applies to all users except those who chose different security levels when registering.
Capture Mode
Fingerprint capture mode supports four options: normal mode (OFF), LFD_1, LFD_2, and LFD_3.
In LFD_1, LFD_2, LFD_3, the higher the LFD level, more exact the recognition feature is in verifying fingerprints, yet causing a slowdown.
Authentication Limit Time
The fingerprint input waiting time is between 1 to 30 seconds, and the default is 5 seconds.
1:N Authentication Time
If 1:N authentication is being used, the time can be set during which all user fingerprints are searched. The input value can be between three to nine seconds, with the default being three seconds. If the search fails after the specified time, a “Matching timeout” error will occur.
FreeScan Setting
This option allows you to set limits to the scope of 1:N and shortcut ID verification. When the option is set “ON” only 1:1 verification is available and is set “OFF” all the verifications including 1:1, 1:N, and shortcut ID are available. Default value is OFF.
UI And Sound Settings
Language Setting
This option lets you set system language displayed on LCD. The system offers maximum of 10 language packs: Korea, English, Japanese, Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, and Iranian.
Voice Message and Alarm Setting
You can choose whether to output voice message or alarm according to button inputs or verification results.
Function Key display mode
Based on this setting, the display for Function key will be showed differently.
The following table shows the message depending on the option of function key display.
Menu Timeout
If nothing was entered for one minute at Menu screen, this option will be enabled to discontinue the process.
System Settings
Settings related to system such as log storing, RF card, Wiegand, Function key, time, terminal mode and timezone.
Saving Logs
The administrator can save logs that arise during user authentication. To save logs, select “Save Logs” and change “No” to “Yes.” The logs can be checked by selecting “Info” ->“Log”, or by using the “AccessManager Professional” program.
To use card authentication to authenticate users, do the following. Select the card type – MIFARE, HID
Authentication Mode
This option lets you set network connection with the terminal. In "SO" mode, the terminal operates independently being disconnected to network interface. In this case, the system verifies inputs by finding out DataBase enrolled in the terminal. In "NL" mode, the terminal operates with Access Manager Program, PC software, being connected to network interface.
In NL mode below 4 options are there. You can select anyone as per your requirement.
* NT : Server authentication performs server authentication first, followed by server authentication. Server authentication performs terminal authentication if server authentication fails and fails.
* NO : Performs only server authentication, which only performs server authentication.
* TN : On the device, the device performs authentication first on the device. If the failing fails, the server performs authentication to perform server authentication.
* TO : Device only Performs only authentication on the device only on the device (= SO mode)
Time And date Adjustment
The terminal displays the date and time at the initial screen of the terminal. But in "NL"mode, the format will be synchronized automatically by a server PC where Access Manager server program is installed after the terminal is connected to a network interface.
Terminal Information Display
The administrator can check the firmware version and number of users.
Factory Default
DB Format
In this case, User Data and Log Data remains as it is in the device only Network settings will be deleted.
Factory Format
Factory Format is a command to restore all information stored within a terminal into initial values including user DB, option DB, log information and logo. Therefore, the function should be used with an extreme caution.
Door Opening
A user registered at the terminal can open the door in two ways depending on whether 1:N authentication is used.
1:1 Authentication
The user enters his ID and scans his fingerprint, and the scanned fingerprint is compared 1:1 to the registered fingerprint that matches the ID. This method allows for quick authentication.
For 1:1 authentication, you can get an authentication by entering ID and use the selected authentication mode (fingerprints or password). For “Card&Fingerprints” authentication, make sure that the reader authenticates your identity with card and scan fingerprints, enabling 1:1 authentication to use.
1:N Authentication
You do not need to identify your ID before inputting any biometrics feature for verification. This method shortens authentication time but if many users use one to N method it may take a long time.
Figerprints Authentication
This method authenticates your identity without ID, reading fingerprints and matching them with the data enrolled.
2. Card Authentication
This method authenticates a card when you touch it against the reader and User ID is not necessary. (Actual operation or the terminal is the same with 1:1 authentication.)
In case that you have to enter User ID when pressing “ENT” button at the initial screen, check whether FreeScan use option is on in the terminal setting.
In 1:N authentication, the password user is authenticated in the same ways as in 1:1 authentication.
Changing User Information
The administrator can change passwords, fingerprints, and card information of registered users using the terminal’s Administrator menu or the server program. To change user information, contact the administrator.
Alphabet User ID
Use the left arrow key to input the alphabtet (LCD displays a “*”), and press key Code to use ther alphabet user id
EM Lock Connection Diagram
FKA with EM Lock Connection Diagram
Fingkey Access with Single EM Lock and Exit Switch Connection Diagram
2. Two Numbers Fingkey Access with Single EM lock Connection Diagram
A] Cable Information
B] Connection diagram
C] Uncover the Rare Case the FKA Terminal (Terminal 2 that is slave device)
D] Remove the Jumper Cap JP2
Fingkey Access 2 With EM Lock Connection Diagram
1. FKA2 with EM Lock Connection Diagram
Settings From ACM-Pro Side
2. Two Numbers FKA2 With Single EM Lock Connection Diagram
Remove JP151 Jumper cap(Terminal no.2 that is slave device)
2. FKA2 with Auto Door Connection Diagram
Remove JP151 Jumper Cap.
If fingerprint authentication takes too long
1. If the terminal uses 1:N authentication in network mode, server overload may occur, resulting in slow authentication and recognition. In this case, a dedicated server should be used.
2. Check if the finger and the sensor are clean. Clean the finger and the sensor. If the user’s finger is hurt, the user must register another fingerprint.
3. If the fingerprint is not clean, lower the security level of the user and use the 1:1 authentication method.
4. Input the user’s ID in 1:1 mode and check if the user exists.
If fingerprint is not registered
If the finger is too dry or humid, fingerprint image quality may be poor and may not register. Dry or moisturize the finger before registering the fingerprint.
If RF card authentication fails
Check your RF card type matches with the RF option of Terminal.
If network connection cannot be established
1. Terminal Menu àSystem configuration àVerify whether Network Model (NL) is set.
2. Terminal Menu àVerify whether TCP/IP information is entered correctly.
A] Server IP where Access Manager Professional is installed
B] Verify a server by comparing to the terminal device port
C] Verify relevant information if DHCP is not used; and check if Ping Test is available using the terminal IP
3. Verify that the terminal ID is set zero or overlapped with other terminal
4.If your server program is AccessManager Professional check whether “Fingkey Access” model is enabled in server option setting, and verify if the model is blocked by Windows Firewall of other servers or other Firewall programs.
When the door is not open properly after successful authentication
1. Check time zone where users are not allowed to access.
2. Verify whether a door cable is disconnected and JUMPER JP2 is located.
If users cannot be registered
In default configuration, this product operates in network mode which requires a proper network connection for user registration. Check the network connection, or disable network mode(SO mode) to not use the network.
If the Device is unstable or does not function
1. In the terminal by selecting “Menu” à“Reset” menu.
2. Restart the server if the server management program is in use.
3. If the terminal buttons do not function, restart the terminal by pushing external reset button located right side of terminal.
4. If the problem remains after the above actions are taken, contact the Customer Support Team.