eNBioAccess T3 Fingerprint Time Attendance

eNBioAccess T3 Hardware & Software Installation

eNBioAccess-T3 a new fingerprint attendance and access control system which offer advance functions and works with exit reader.I will be used for security , industrial applications and IT Environments where the ease of use and reliability of connectivity is essential. The management is confident that the system will offer a wide range of solutions and new level of security, information into challenging environments from IT to hospitality.



Support for Installation of Hardware and Software

A]  At Client End Scope Of Work

      01] Firstly device mounting demarcations 

      02] 230Vac@5/6AMP/UPS Power Socket required at Device marked locations.

      03] LAN Cable and Free IP'S required at device place properly routed.

      04] A Desktop dedicated/Sever Network PC required.

      05] HR/Admin Office required to get the training

B]   ON-Site Engineer's working Scope.

     01] Device to be fixed by using its Wall mount Plate/Bracket to mount the Hardware.

    02] Power and LAN network cable to be plugged IN.

    03] Hardware Configurations Viz: Terminal and Server IP.

   04] Using I-Access Mobile App configurations Steps.

   05] Mobile App details and its training to HR/Admin Person.

Product Details

LCD Display And Keypad

Product Specification

Access Manager Installation

Note : Before Installation of ACm Pro, Need to install SQL and configure it first then start Installation of ACM Pro.

Please make sure that Windows Firewall And Antivirus Should be OFF.

SQL Configuration Manager Settings.

Please confirm once your Server IP is visible in this IP Address.

Go to Start and Search 'command prompt' then write one command "ipconfig" and Hit Enter key. Then you will get IPv4 Address.

INSTALLATION OF Access Manager Professional

This section describes how to install Access Manager Professional for

the Access Server.

 Double-click [setup.exe] in the installation CD of

Access Manager Professional to start the installation.

When the installation process is started, the Installation Wizard

for the Access Manager Professional will appear. Click [Next].

Read the license agreement and accept its terms. Then click [Next].

Enter the user information and serial number, and click [Next].

Select the functions to install and click [Next]. As these instructions refer to the AccessServer, select [AccessServer].

 AccessServer – Both AccessServer and AccessManager (a remote management program) will be installed.

 AccessManager – Only AccessManager will be installed.

If the database server is SQLEXPRESS, input the server IP and the instance name (default : sqlexpress) set during the installation of SQLEXPRESS (For Old Setup)

For New Setup : 

1)Search server name by click search icon then select server name

2) input ID & password (ID: sa & password : )

3) Select database path by simply click on search icon.

Then Click on Next.

Click on  Finish.

After clicking Finish button click on Start Button find on Access Manager Icon 

Window will appear, Here need to set user inputs like maximum Fingerprint count 1 or 2, user Id length 4- 16 and RF Card type (EM, Mifare, HID) then click on next .

Please make sure all selected details are correct then only move ahead . Click on Yes to continue. 

Input ID and name and password for Master ID Login then click on OK.

Window will appear then get access to access manager.

Now Configure the device and start the Enrollment by using Fingerprint, RF Card or Face (Device only)

Now ACM Pro Installation Completed.

Network Settings

Now We need to do Network settings from Device side so that device can connect to the ACM-Pro.

 1. Press “Menu”button. 

2. Now Management Menu will be displayed. Press “4” that is "Network".

3.Using arrow keys(“◀”, “▶”) or number buttons, select ‘NORMAL’ and then press “OK”. Or press “1”.

4. Using arrow keys(“◀”, “▶”) or number buttons, select ‘Type’ and then press “OK”. Or press “1”.

5. Using arrow keys(“◀”, “▶”), select ‘Wireline’ on the screen and then press “OK”. Once the setup is complete, the previous screen will be displayed.

6. Using arrow keys(“◀”, “▶”) or number buttons, select ‘Encryption’ and then press “OK”. Or press “2”

7. Once the setup is complete after selecting ‘DES’ or ‘AES_256’, the previous screen will be displayed.

8. Select ‘ping time’ and press “OK”. (The default value is set as 10 so it is not necessary to set separately.)

9. Press “Esc” to go upper menu. Select ‘TCP/IP’ and press “OK”. Or press “2”.

10. Select ‘Terminal ID’ on the screen and press “OK”. Or press “1”.

11. Enter the number desired from ‘1~2000’ and press “OK”. Once the setup is complete, the previous screen will be displayed.

12. Select ‘Server IP’ and enter server IP using number keypad and then press “OK”. Once the setup is complete, the previous screen will be displayed.

13. Select ‘PORT’ and press “OK”. (The default value is set as 7332 so it is not necessary to set separately.)

14. Select ‘DHCP’ and press “OK”. Select ‘OFF’ and press “OK”. 

15. Select 'Terminal IP' and Press "OK". Now Enter Terminal IP Address which is free in Network.

16. Select 'Subnet mask' and Press "OK". Now Enter Subnet Mask.

17. Select 'Gateway' and Press "OK". Now Enter Gateway.

18. Connect LAN cable to the connector on the back of terminal. Then a message that the terminal is not registered will be displayed as shown below. Register the terminal in “Access Manager Pro.”

16. After registering the terminal in the “Access Manager Pro.”, the network status can be confirmed that the connection is normal through the icon at upper screen of the terminal

User Enrollment

Administrator Enrollment

1. Press “Menu”button.

2. Management Menu will be displayed. Press“1”.

3. Using arrow keys (“◀”, “▶”), select ‘User’ on the screen and press “OK”. Or press “1”.

4. Select ‘Regist’ and press “OK”. Or press “1”.

5. User enrollment screen will be displayed. The initial user will be enrolled as ‘Administrator’ automatically with a ‘Master’ privilege.

6. Selecting ‘User ID’ and then pressing “OK” will pop up an ID input window.

7. Input desired ID and press “OK”. Length of ID is set to 4-digit as a default. 

8. Select ‘Finger’ for ‘AUTH TYPE1’.

9. The below left screen will be displayed. Select a number below the finger to be registered. (Select “0” for the tenth finger.)

10. Input window for fingerprint will appear as shown above and fingerprint will be scanned twice. After ‘Place your finger on the sensor’ message, place the finger to be registered on the sensor.

11. Terminal will scan fingerprint of the finger on the sensor. After ‘Remove your finger’ message, remove the finger from the sensor and then place it on the sensor again.

12. The screen will appear as above once the fingerprint is scanned twice.

13. Once the fingerprint enrollment is finished, press “OK”. (Total 10 fingerprints can be registered.)

14. Once the fingerprint is registered, ‘Finger’ will be indicated as above. And selecting ‘Save’ and pressing “OK” will create a user with ID’1234’ and fingerprint verification type.

Password Enrollment

Password input window will be displayed when ‘Password’ button is selected in ‘AUTH TYPE1’ field. Enter the password(4~8 digits) to be enrolled and press “OK” button.

Card Enrollment

Selecting ‘Card’ button in ‘AUTH TYPE1’ and placing the card to be enrolled on the card sensor will complete the enrollment.

Verification type Combination

User Modification

User modification is implemented by modifying user information on the screen that appears after entering ID of user to be modified. All items except user ID can be modified easily but privilege of user can be modified for all the users except at least one Administrator.

1. Menu (“Menu” button) -> User menu(“1”button)->‘User’ -> ID input window will appear when ‘Update’ is pressed. When User ID to be modified is entered and “OK” button is pressed, user enrollment information will appear.

2. Select the button of the item to be modified and change the value. Select ‘Save’ and press “OK” button to save the changes.

Notice for User Modification

When there is only one user who has privilege of administrator, the Privilege management cannot be modified due to the restriction that there should be ‘at least one administrator’.

User Deletion

User modification is implemented by modifying user information on the screen that appears after entering ID of user to be modified.

1. Menu(“Menu” button) -> User menu(“1”button) -> ‘User’ -> ID input window appears when ‘Delete’ is pressed. When user ID to be deleted is entered and “OK” button is pressed, notification window to delete will appear. Once ‘Yes’ is selected to delete, user with the corresponding ID will be deleted.


Log shows when and who the attempts to be verified in the terminal. However, log of failed verification attempts are maintained for 1:N verification method but ID attempted cannot be identified.

To use log, Menu(“Menu” button) -> Management Menu(“2” button)-> ‘etc’ -> ‘Save Log’ ->‘Yes’ should be selected.

1. Menu(“Menu” button) -> User Menu(“1” button) -> Select ‘Log’ to confirm transaction logs.

2. User ID, result and time are shown as the above figure. Input window for date to be searched will appear when “OK” button is pressed. Once the desired date is entered, the transaction record for only that date will appear. Time will show the result after the time set.

3. One page shows 5 logs and all the logs searched can be confirmed using arrow button (“◀”, “▶”).


“Card” menu is for administrator to grant door control privileges to users with card input and the privileges will be granted according to the card unique identification numbers. The list of users enrolled by card can be confirmed and modified in the list of all users.

1. Menu(“Menu” button) -> User menu(“1” button) -> Select ‘Card’. 

2. When the screen requesting card appears, wave the card at the card sensor. ID will be generated automatically and user enrollment will be completed.

3. The card enrolled will be verified just by waving the card at the card sensor without entering ID.

ID will be generated automatically starting from “0000” and the next ID will be generated if there exists a user assigned to the ID. Simultaneous enrollment function of RF is supported in network mode and it is not supported in Standalone mode.

Verification option Settings

This menu is for setting options relating verification, sensors, attendance mode and card. 

Lower Menu Items

Default: Configures the security level applied in verification of terminal, 1:N verification setting and timeout.

T&A: Configures the attendance function and type of attendance mode to be used.

ETC: Configures display of the user name on the notification generated when the log is saved during verification or when verification is successful. Also configures holding time of the verification result notice.

Now we will check one by one


       The Default of verification menu offers to configure verification level, log saving and 1:N verification.

1:1 Verification Security Level

This menu configures the level of 1:1 verification security. For 1:1 verification, the input range is from 1 ~ 9 and the default value is 5. If the security level is too high, the failure rate may be increased and if it is too low, misidentification rate may be elevated. Hence, the default value is recommended.

1:N Verification Security Level

This menu configures the level of 1:N verification security. For 1:N verification, the input range is from 5 ~ 9 and the default value is 8. If the security level is too high, the failure rate may be increased and if it is too low, misidentification rate may be elevated. Hence, the default value is recommended.

1:N Verification

eNBioAccess-T3 supports 1:1 and 1:N verification methods for fingerprint verification. For 1:1, verification is performed after ID is entered and for 1:N, verification is performed after searching all users without ID input. 1:1 is used to increase verification speed than 1:N and 1:N is used to simplify the verification procedure. If you don’t want to use 1:N, select ‘Disable’.

1:N Verification Time

Fingerprint searching time can be configured in 1:N verification method. The input range is from 3 ~ 9 seconds and the default value is “3” seconds. “Timeout” error will occur when it fails to search within the specified time.


To examine logs from the User menu, Save Log needs to be configured in the ETC menu. Also, display of user name upon successful verification can be configured in this menu.

      Save Log ->‘Yes’ should be selected to save and search user logs.

      User Name -> If ‘Show’ is selected, user name will be shown for successful verification. User name -> If ‘Do not show’ is selected, only ID will be shown for successful verification not user name.

      Display duration can be configured from ‘1 ~ 20’ and the default is ‘2’. Input window will appear when the corresponding menu is selected and the value can be changed by entering the desired value.

System Management

Lower Menu Items

1. Display

Settings - language and LCD brightness for the terminal

2. Sound

Settings - sound effect, voice notification and its volume for the terminal 

3. Sensor

Settings for capture timeout of terminal sensor and LFD(Live Finger Detection) level .

4. User

Settings for User – ID length, template counts and other information 

5. Information 

Shows the current status of terminal for each item in table format

6. Card

To set card type and its option for RF card of the terminal

7. Desktop

To change desktop image of the initial screen of the terminal

8. Date and Time

To change system date and time of the terminal

1. Display


Language of terminal can be changed. Language can be chosen between Korean and English.

LCD Brightness

LCD Brightness can be configured from ‘10 ~ 100’ and its default value is ‘80’. The value can be changed by entering the desired value after selecting the corresponding menu.

2. Sound


To use in mute, change ‘Sound on’ ->‘Sound off’. It can be configured to use only voice or sound effect.


Volume can be configured from ‘0~100’ and its default value is ‘50’. Input window will appear when the corresponding menu is selected and the volume can be changed by entering the desired volume.

If the volume is set to ‘0’, there will be no sound regardless of the sound option.

3 Sensor

This menu is to set option value for fingerprint sensor relating verification such as fingerprint capture timeout, LFD level, sensor brightness and etc. If the default sensor setting for the terminal is configured, option change will apply to all the users that did not configure the sensor individually.


The range of time allowed to scan fingerprint is from ‘3 ~ 9’ seconds and the default time is ‘5’ seconds.

LFD(Live Finger Detection) Accuracy

It configures the options for fingerprint forgery screening and configures the levels of screening from middle, high, disable.


The brightness of sensor can be configured when the input status of fingerprints is too bright or too dark. The input range is from ‘0 ~ 100’ and its default value is ‘40’.


The contrast of sensor can be configured when the input status of fingerprints is too bright or too dark. The input range is from    ‘0 ~ 100’ and its default value is ‘20’


This menu configures the thickness of fingerprints scanned by the sensor. You can choose from 1, 2, 4, 8 for the level of thickness. The default value is ‘2’.

4. Fixed Options

The length of user ID can be configured in the Fixed Options. It cannot be configured if any user is enrolled in the terminal so all the users need to be deleted prior to change the value. The Template Count is only available to view.

ID Fingerprint Count

It is the quantity of fingerprint templates stored for each ID during fingerprint verification. Only ‘2’ can be selected currently and it cannot be changed.

ID Length

To modify the length of ID required for user enrollment, select the desired value using arrows from left to right or enter the desired value after selecting the input window. The default value is ‘4’ and its input range is from ‘4 ~ 20’.

The Template Count is deactivated menu that cannot be configured. It is fixed to “2”.

5 Information

This system offers overall information of terminal such as Terminal ID, Network mode, version of Firmware, number of users and etc. This menu is only for checking information and it cannot be modified.

6. Card

To use card verification for terminal user verification, the following settings should be implemented.

1. ‘Card Type’ -> Select ‘Use’.

2. Select the desired card type from MIFARE, HID26Bit, EM, HID35Bit and HID37Bit in the Normal menu. Select ‘Save’ and press “OK” button.

To use card, the corresponding card module should be installed in the terminal.

7. Main View

Background image can be selected from the image provided originally by manufacturer and user images. Using arrow button   (“◀”,“▶”), you can see all available images. Select ‘Save’ and press “OK” button to change the background image.

Though Logo Download in AccessManager Pro., user can change the background image. Except, note that images can be distorted if the size of image is smaller or bigger than 320*240.

8 Date and Time

eNBioAccess-T3 offers to configure the system time of terminal. To change, go to Date and Time configuration screen that is located under the System Management menu.

1. To change date, select ‘Date and Time’ -> ‘Date’. The present date will be displayed.

2. Using number button, select the desired date and press “OK” button.

1. To change time, select ‘Date and Time’ -> ’Time’.

2. Using number button, select the desired date and press “OK” button. Time will be displayed in 24 hour format.

Data Setting

Firmware update, uploading and downloading user information and downloading log information can be executed with USB memory. To use log saving function, Menu(“Menu”button) -> Management menu (“2”button) -> ‘ETC’ -> ‘Save Log’ -> ‘Yes’ should be set.

In the Network mode, only log download function is available and all functions such as log download, user up/download are available in the Standalone mode.

Lower Menu Items

Download Log: Logs can be downloaded in the desired format(period and type).

Update Firmware: The firmware of terminal can be updated using installation file in USB.

Download User: Downloads users enrolled in the terminal.

Upload User: Uploads user items stored in USB to the terminal.

Log information of the terminal for the desired period can be downloaded to USB memory by selecting starting and ending of period. All logs or Missing logs can be selected to be downloaded. Once the logs are downloaded to USB, they cannot be downloaded to USB as Missing logs. 

In the Network mode, all logs are saved in the server by default so there is usually no Missing log to be downloaded. But if Missing log is executed in case of network failure, logs that are not saved in the server will be downloaded.

In the Network mode, it is design to save all logs in the server by default as they are created in the terminal.

Log information will be saved as SW300_Log.nlg in USB memory. If new log information is saved in the same USB, it will be saved as SW300_Log_1.nlg, SW300_Log_2.nlg, …….

Log information saved in USB can be saved in the server using “AccessManager Pro.”

2. Update Firmware

eNBioAccess-T3 offer updates of firmware via USB port. Firmware can be updated as follows.

1. Save the firmware file ‘SW250_Cab.CAB’ in USB memory root.

2. Connect USB memory to the USB port of terminal. For update, proceed to 3rd point.

3. Menu(“Menu” button) -> Data menu(“5” button) ->‘Update Firmware’ -> Select ‘Download’.

Notification window that it may take a long time will be displayed and select ‘Yes’ to proceed. 

The firmware update progress can be checked during update and the system will be rebooted once copying files are finished. Firmware update can be performed through the sever management program “AccessManager Pro.” For detailed information, refer to AccessManager Pro. manual.

3. Downloading User

When user information is downloaded to USB memory from the terminal, all the user information in the terminal will be saved as ‘SW250_User.ndb’ in the root directory of USB memory. If there exists a file with the same name, it will be saved as ‘SW250_User_1.ndb’, ‘SW250_User_2.ndb’ or This file can be saved in the server using “Access Manager Pro.”

4. Uploading User

External Connection Settings

This menu configures the option for the external connection port provided by the terminal.

Lower Menus

WIEGAND: Configures data output for the ID or the card value of verified user upon successful verification.

Door: Configures function and action of the door connected to the terminal.


This menu configures Wiegand output function when verification is successful in the terminal.


Wiegand output can be selected to be used and bit type can be selected.

Select 34 bits when card module is Mifare and select 26bit for HID, EM 26 bit.

Send data

Wiegand output information can be selected from card information or User ID. When User ID is selected, User ID spot will be output upon verification. When card number is selected, card information of user will be Wiegand output upon verification success.

Facility Code

It is applicable only when the transmission information is set as User ID and can be set from 0~255 for 26 bit and 0~32767 for 36 bit.

Note: WIEGAND IN(External RF READER Interlock) Action

- To interlock extra external RF Reader with the built-in RF module, it can be operated by connecting Wiegand In Connect at the back of eNBioAccess-T5 terminal.

- To use Wiegand in, MENU -> System menu -> ‘Card’ ->Enable Card use and MENU ->External Connection -> ‘Wiegand’ -> ‘Type’ to be enabled. (Same as options for Built-in RF).

- Available Wiegnad input are 34bit(Mifare) and 26bit (EM,HID26).

- When combination verification, User enrollment, access available only for attendance are configured, the external reader should be installed in the location

where the terminal is accessible since LCD screen touch and fingerprint input are required.


Door menu has two functions. The first is to limit access for two doors and offers additional function for fire alert or lighting alert.

1. For configuration, Menu(“Menu”button) -> (“6” button) -> ‘Function’-> Set ‘Enable’.

2. ‘Fire alert’ or ‘lighting alert’ can be implemented in the ‘Select Function’ menu.

3. Door is controlled by the settings of verification results such as ‘Success’ or ‘Failure’ from ‘Enable’, ‘Disable’ in the Select Function. 

‘Lighting alert’ can be used by connecting external device depending on the verification result ‘Success’ or ‘Failure’. ‘Fire alert’ setting is a function processing fire alert outside to generate fire icon, alert message and beep on the screen of the terminal.

1. ‘Result Signal’ can be configured when ‘Enable’ or ‘Lighting alert’ are selected in ‘Select function’ menu. ‘Success’ or ‘Failure’ can be chosen for configuration.

2. The range of ‘Time Door opened’ is from ‘”1~20” and the default value is “5”. It can be used when “Enable” and “Lighting alert” in the Select Function menu are applied.

3. The range of ‘Door alert time’ is from “1~20” and its default value is “5”. Emergency alarm will sound if the door is not closed until set time.

Door configuration and Time zone function Only when “Enable” is selected for the Function of Door setting, settings for Timezone are applicable. The settings of Timezone are not applicable for other settings (”Disable”, “Fire alert” and “Lighting alert”).

Initializing Settings 

This menu is to reset enrolled user, log information and options of the terminal to the initial status or to adjust the touch sensitivity. Once initializing is performed, all the DB of the terminal will be deleted.

Initialize: To reset the terminal to the initial status when the product is released.

Self Test: When operation of the terminal is not stable, inspect the problem using Self Test.

Delete All Users: Deletes all users enrolled in the terminal.

Clear All Logs: Deletes all logs in the terminal by verification of user.

Reset Options: Settings of the terminal configured during usage will be reset to the initial status when the product is released.

Reboot: It is the system reboot function for the terminal.

Reset Option is available when there is no user enrolled in the terminal.

Self Test

As a function examining the status of terminal, check for errors in the sensor, time, network, camera and each DB.

1. Menu(“Menu” button) -> Initializing menu(“7” button) -> Select ‘Self Test’.

2. When notification window that it may take a long time appears, select ‘Yes’. Once you agree, self test will be performed.

3. ‘OK’ or ‘FAIL’ will be indicated according to the result of each item.

eNbioAccess-T3 with EM Lock Connection Diagram

How to do Admin Reset in eNbioscan-T3


1. When verification of fingerprint takes too long or is not performed

2. Difficult to read fingerprint

It is hard to be scanned since the image score cannot be reached when the fingerprint is too dry or wet. Try again after cleaning the finger with dry cloth if the finger is wet and moist the finger if the finger is too dry.

3. RF card is not verified

4. Device is not connected with Network

      ‘Management Menu -> Network -> Normal -> Type’

1 The server IP that “Access Manager Pro.” is installed

2 Check that the port of terminal corresponds with the server.

3 Check the relating information if DHCP is not in use.

5. Door doesn’t open when the verification is successful

6. Unable to enroll User

This product is set to be in the network mode by default. If the connection is not normal in the network mode, user cannot be enrolled. Check for Network connection or set “Disable” for Network type when Network mode is not used.

7. When the product is not stable or not performed