EF-45 Hardware and Software

EF-45 Iris Recognition Attendance System

Standard Support guidelines to  handle installation activities  at  ON-Site for "EF-45™ Iris Recognition System  Device in details."

Innovative Face Display Positioning

The innovative face display for proper positioning is simple and natural. The subject merely positioning his or her eyes within the centering box, and then moves toward the EF-45 until the box and indicator bar turns green, at a range of 35 to 45 cm (in normal mode). If the subject moves too close, the indicators will turn red. 

Capture is automatic, with typical capture times of about 1 second from the time of being within range. 

Touch Screen Interface in Embedded Design

The EF-45 utilizes a nominal 5.0 inch touch screen display for system setup and configuration, and user input and output screens.

It runs on a highly modern Linux-on-ARM SOC internal mainboard so that all processing is embedded. Networking options include standard Ethernet and WiFi.

While applicable to all stationary iris recognition applications, the EF-45’s setup and system interface software is optimized for Physical Access Control and Time & Attendance applications. 

                 Download Brochure

EF-45 Iris Recognition System - CMITECH.pdf

A - Client end Scope of work.

      01] Firstly device mounting demarcations.

      02] 230Vac@5/6AMP/UPS Power Socket required at Device marked locations.

      03] LAN Cable and Free IP'S required at device place properly routed.

      04] A Desktop dedicated/Sever Network PC required.

      05] HR/Admin Office required to get the training.

B]   ON-Site Engineer's working Scope.

     01] Device to be fixed by using its Wall mount Plate/Bracket to mount the Hardware.

    02] Power and LAN network cable to be plugged IN.

    03] Hardware Configurations Viz: Terminal and Server IP.

   04] Using I-Access Mobile App configurations Steps.

   05] Mobile App details and its training to HR/Admin Person.

           Hardware Wall mounting Image Looks Like

Specific Names of the Terminal: 

Recommend Installation Height :

The on-board demonstration application shows the full capabilities of the EF-45 for image capture including subject positioning with the face display user interface, enrollment, and on-board matching (authentication)

Technical Specifications (continued)


The on-board demonstration application shows the full capabilities of the EF-45 for image capture including subject positioning with the face display user interface, enrollment, and on-board matching (authentication)

 1. Check Attendance (F1 Key                                                                               8. Notice Icon of Face mode is operating

2. Leave Work (F2 Key)                                                                                              9. Notice Icon of CMID manager is connected

3. Supplement T&A (F3 Key)                                                                                  10. Notice Icon of IP network is connected

4. Go Out (F4 Key)                                                                                                        11. Notice Icon of Serial Communication is connected

5. Return Button (same as F5 Key)                                                                      12. Clock display

6. Interphone Call Button (same as F6 Key)                                                   13. User Button for registration, search, modification and deletion                                                                                                                                          deletion.                                                                                                             

7. Notice Icon of Iris mode is operating                                                             14. Settings Button for system configuration

Device configration steps.

1. Tap the Settings icon in the home screen.

2. Device                                         Configuration for device operating

3. Network                                    Configuration for IP & serial communication

4.Display                                        Configuration for screen display

5.Authentication                      Configuration for authentication method and T&A

6.Mode                                            Configuration for recognition operation

7.Log                                                 Information of saved log and log search viewer

1. Tap on device Configure settings for device operation.

1.1  confrigration 

a)Using posting interface                Select a guide display UI when enrollment and recognition

b)Enroll notices timeout                  Set notice time out time during enrollment process

c) Motion wait time                            Set motion detection delay time from last recognition operating

d)Motion detect                                  Select motion detection enable/disable for starting recognition

e) debug                                                   Select Debug mode enable/disable (captures image stream for off-line analysis)

1.1.1 Configuration à User Positioning Interface

Color Overlay                          Select Color overlay type guide UI display

Box                                                 Select tracking box type guide UI display

Box + Large notices             Select tracking box + large guidance text type UI display

1.1.2 Configuration à Enroll notices timeout

Now Default timeout is set to 3 sec.

1.1.3 Configuration à Motion Wait Time

1.2 Bio (for Biometrics Selection)

Security Level                                                             Now Select a combination mode of Face and Iris

Iris                                                                                      Additional configuration for Iris enrollment and recognition                                             

Face                                                                                   Additional configuration for Face enrollment and recognition

Cover glass IR transmission(%)                     Adjust IR transmission attenuation if a cover glass is in front of the  EF-45

1.2.1 Bio  Security Level.

     Face or Iris                        Select two stages “Face or Iris” recognition mode (Face recognition first, and then automatic switch-over                                                           to Iris upon Face recognition non-match)     

    Face only                             Select Face only recognition mode.      

    Face and Iris                     Select Face and Iris recognition mode

   Iris first and Face            Select one stage “Face or Iris” recognition mode for faster recognition

1.2.2 Bio -> Iris                                          

Enroll iris usable area (%)                                Set usable area for Iris enrollment 

Recog false accept rate                                    Set false accept rate for Iris recognition

Min distance                                                           Set min distance for Iris recognition

Fast recog mode                                                   Select enable/disable for fast recognition mode                                                 

Recognition: allow either eye                      Select enable/disable for either eye recognition mode

Enroll: either eye                                                  Select enable/disable for either eye enrollment mode Bio  Iris  Enroll Iris usable area (%)

Default set to 60%. Bio à Iris à Recog false accept rate

Now default set at 10-8. Note: decreasing Recog FAR will increase false reject rate (FRR).

How to connect the automatic door with the Fingkey Access+ terminal.pdf

2. Tap to Network in Configure settings for IP and serial communication

  LAN type                                    Show the LAN type

  DHCP/Static                            Select enable/disable DHCP mode

 IP Address                                 Set static IP address

 Subnet                                          Set static subnet mask

 Gateway                                     Set static gateway IP address

2.1.1  Put on TCP/IP  IP Address

2.1.2 Put on  TCP/IP  Subnet

2.1.4 Put on TCP/IP à Gateway

 Wi-Fi on/off

2.3  click on server 

a) Use server enable 

b) Put on server IP.

c)  default Port  9999.

d) If you have  commute Uri, please enter the Uri.

e)If you have Sync Uri , please enter the Sync Uri

f) If you have Acceptance Uri , please enter the Acceptance Uri.

A) Use server enable

b)  Server IP

c)  Click on Port  

d) Click on Commute Uri and entre Uri

e)  Click on Sync Uri and please enter Uri

f) Click on Acceptance Uri and enter Uri.

2.4   USB Memory

USB enable                                    Select enable/disable for USB memory use

 FW Upgrade                                Enable firmware (F/W) upgrade from USB memory

 Import                                             Backup data (user & log data) with restore from USB memory

Export                                              Backup data (user & log data) by saving to USB memory

2.4.1 USB Memory FW Upgrade, Please connect USB and Upgrade Firmware

2.4.2 USB Memory  Import


Enroll button Switch to enroll process

Search button Switch to search process

Capacity Info button Show the used memory percentage

Delete button Switch to delete process

① ID: Created a user ID number automatically or input manually

② Name: Input user name manually

 ③ Individual: Set user individual authentication mode if necessary

 ④ Admin: Can make a user administrator or not

 ⑤ Group: Can make a user belong to a group

⑥ Bypass Card: Can register a user who holding bypass card (highest priority card)


Set this user to be main Administrator to login the Settings and User.

Note: After setting main Administrator login, only this Administrator can access the Settings and User functions.

Iris & Face Enrollment Process

Iris & Face tab                                  Selection changes tab to blue color         

Face                                                       Select box for face image capture

Glasses wearer                               Select box for ???face taking off glasses ??? additionally if necessary

Both eye                                              Select box for “both eyes” Iris mode

Either eye                                           Select box for “either eye” Iris mode

Enroll (+) button                            Switch to enroll process

 Iris & Face Capture Process à Face Capture (far face)

Color Overlay                 BLUE means too far

                                                 GREEN means OK

                                                 RED means too close.

                                   Switch to Iris Capture stage after good face image acquisition

 Iris & Face Process  Iris Capture

Iris & Face Process à Iris Capture à Tracking Guide Box UI

 Iris & Face Process à Save Data / Complete Enrollment

Reset                                                         Return to face capture stage

Cancel                                                      Return to Enroll User screen

OK                                                              Move to next screen to complete enrollment

Card - Save Data

 Recognition / Authentication Success

  NOTE: here it is mandatory that  80 Port should be  open in Network. blow are the steps how to open 80 Port.

Steps for how to open 80 port.

b) Click on Advance Setting

c) Click on Inbound rules

d) Click on New rule.

e) Click on Port option

f) Click on action and allow the connection and after click on next

g) Click on Name and put name "HTTP80" afteer that click in finish

 Now Device  configration completed

Installation of CMID Manager software

There are two options you can choose for installing Client. You can install the Client application in another PC or in the same system where the Device Agent is installed depending on your need. You can also install the Client in multiple PCs and each client can access to the Device Agent through a network connection.

1) Double click on Cmid Manager setup and after exe run.

a)◦ If the User Account Control warning message window appears, click OK,or Yes to continue.

b) stands for version identifiers and may vary depending on the software version.


2. Click on Next.

a) Please select CMV2 DB, CMV2 DA CORE.

b)Click on next.

c) Click on install 

3) Logging in to CMID Manager V2 , user id -admin and password admin

a) Type the same IP address and Port number that you typed when setting up Device Agent and click Save.

NOTE : Please open control Panel and Click all program and after that click on CMV2 DA Core controller.

How to Log In Automatically

1. Click Settings > System.

              2. Select the Auto-Login on start up box.

3. On the next start, you can use the software without log-in.

Note : how to activate CMID Manager V2

This section gives the instructions for how to activate the software when you purchase the software license. You can still use the software without activation for evaluation purpose with limited device connection capability.

1. Click Settings on the lower-left of the screen.

2. Click License.

3. Type Company Name, Contact Name, and Email address under Request Information.

4. Click Save to file and save the request (.req) file in a folder.

5. Send the request file to CMITECH at sales@cmi-tech.com [mailto:sales@cmi-tech.com] to acquire a license file.

6. When you receive the license file (.lic), save the license file in a folder.

7. Click Load from file and load the license file from the folder.

8.Click License-In to apply the license to the software.

Note: How to add new device in Software.

a) Adding device manually 

You can add a device manually by typing its IP address and additional information.

 EF 45 device ,you can find the device IP address at

 Settings > Network > TCP/IP > IP Address.

              1. Click Device on the main window.

       2. Click Add Device in the bottom.

       3. On the Manual Add menu, select the model name of the device in Device type. The Port is 80.

       4. Type the IP address in IP Address.

       5. Select your company in Company.

      6. 1. Type or select optional information: Device name, Door, Door Direction, and Assign Access Group.


 b) Searching and Adding Devices

You can also use the search function that lets you to find devices connected within a specific network domain and register a device with additional information to your device list.

1. Click Auto Detect.

    When a Windows Security Alert window about network security appears, click Allow access to continue.

2. Device search starts automatically.

Adding New User and Delete Process

1. How to register users.

There are two type of user information to add :

1) General information  -      General Information includes user ID, Name and other contact information.

2) Bio-metric Information - means user’s bio-metric data such as iris, face,  which can be enrolled by using bio-metric reader.

3)  Add RF card:

1. Click Add in the Card pane.

2. Select a device that you will use as a card reader on the device list.

3. Click Start to start the card reader.

4. Put the card on the device’s card reader.

5. The card number appears on the Input cards list.

6. Click Save to store the card number.

 4)   delete a user

1. Click User on the main window.

2. Select a user to remove on the User Profile list.

3. Click Delete.

4. Click Yes to confirm.

Importing User List Process.

 If you have a existing staff list or create a user list in a delimiter-separated file format (for example, csv, txt, xlsx), you can      upload the file and register all the users on the list to the database in a batch.

1. Click User on the main window.

2. Click Add Users at Once in the lower-left corner of the screen.

3. Click Upload.

4. Click the search button in the upper-right corner of the window.

5. Select the file format in File Type. Type the delimiter in Separator.

6. Click the search button in File Name section.

7. In the Load from upload file dialog box, locate the file and click Open > OK.

Downloading User Data from Device

1. Click Device on the main window.

2. Select a device on Device List from which you will download the user data.

3. Click Additional Information > Etc in the Device Advanced Configuration pane.

4. Click Download Users under Download Data and click Yes.

 5.The software checks whether there is ID duplication of the users between device and software.

6.1. Click Merge > Yes to complete the task.

4. Using CMID Manager V2

When CMID Manager V2 setup is completed, you can do the management for the users, the devices and T&A by using the software on a regular basis. The management activities you can perform involve monitoring events, creating reports, integrating users, and updating device information.

4.1. Dashboard Overview

This section gives the information about CMID Manager V2 Dashboard GUI organization and the overview of each presentation. Basically the dashboard supports T&A status mode and Access status mode.

4.1..1 Monitoring T&A Status

The T&A Status consists of Today’s T&A Status, Attendance Rate, and Calendar.

a) Today’s T&A Status:  Shows how many employees have attended for the day including late arrivals.

b) Attendance Rate:  Shows the attendance rate for the day expressed as a percentage.

c) Calendar :   Shows the date and the number of attended employees in the calendar view.

 4.1.1. Monitoring Device Status

The Device Status shows the status of connected devices like device type, IP address, device location, and relay & door status.

4.2.Using Access Control

This section gives the information about advanced access event monitoring, door control, local Anti-passback settings, and Wiegand configurations.

4.2.1. Managing Access Events

You can view the entrance request events in details on the Access Control tab while the Real- time Event on the dashboard tab gives a quick overview.

4.3 Managing Users

This section gives the information about user management including modifying user profile and exporting user data.

4.3.1  Viewing and Updating User Information

You can view the user list together by department and look up or update user information individually. You can sort the user list by various information - ID, Name, Department, Title, and Date of Entry.

• Click the arrow next to each item title to switch between ascending sort order and descending sort order.  Click the arrow next to each item title to switch between ascending sort order and descending sort order.

   Sometimes you need to check whether a user is registered with biometric data. You can sort the user list by                 biometrics by clicking the arrow next to Iris.

4.4.1. Restoring Users

You can simply restore the deleted users without registering the users again.

 1. Click User on the main window.

2. Click Restore User in the bottom.

3. Select the users to restore in the Deleted User List.

4. Click Save to complete user restoration.

4.5.1 Updating Device Information

You can update almost all the types of device configuration within CMID Manager V2 without attending to the device physically.

1. Click Device on the main window.

2. Click Transfer and Upgrade in the lower-left corner of the window.

3. Click Firmware Upgrade.

4. Select the destination devices for upgrade in the Devices pane.

5. Click the search button in the Firmware pane.

6. In the Load firmware from dialog box, locate the firmware file and click Open.

7. Click Upgrade > Yes to start firmware upgrade. The Upgrade Firmware window that shows the progress bars appears.

8. When completed, click Close to close the window.

4.6.1. Backing Up Database

1. Open Control Panel in Windows.

2. Select Large icon or Small icon in View by drop-down menu.

3. Click CMV2 DA Core Controller (32-bit) to run Device Agent Controller.

4. Click Control tab.

5. Click the search button in the Backup area.

6. Locate a folder where you will save the backup file and type the name of the file.

7. Click Open to select the file.

4.6.2. Restoring Database

1. Run DA-Core Controller.

2. Click Control tab.

3. Click the search button in the Restore area.

4. Locate a folder where the backup file is stored and click the file.

5. Click Open to select the file.

6. Click Restore and select data types to restore under Backup Information.

7. Click OK whenever prompted to complete restore.

4.7 Network Setting

The network setting contains the configurations about TCP/IP connection, USB port, server functionality, serial communication, and local anti-passback.

4.7.1. Network > TCP/IP

1.LAN type Shows the LAN type

2. DHCP Shows DHCP mode status (enable/disable)

3.IP Address Shows device IP address

4. Subnet Shows subnet mask

5. Gateway Shows gateway IP address

6. Port Shows device port

4.7.2  Network > Server

Server functionality works based on push dedicated data from device (for example, event/log, image/template for server match) to network. If you will use to this function,

1. User server                                        Select enable/disable server functionality

2. Use manual command                Select enable/disable manual command functionality

3.Server authentication                 Select enable/disable server matching

4.Server IP                                             Type server IP address

5.Port                                                        Type server port

Ef 45 with Smart Suit configuration 

If you have  3 URI.  

below are steps entere URI

Device> Select on Device>Click on Netwok >entre 3  communication URI and save on click.

1)Commute Uri                                   Type server URI to receive T&A event logs from device

2)Sync Uri                                               Type server URI to receive T&A event logs backed up by device while server is offline

3)Acceptable Uri                                Type server URI where device sends request to check periodically if server is online

Configuration Utility 

configuration utility for configuration of system, Wigand, and IP address settings and centralize F/W upgrade.


This utility provides five very important functions in support of managing a large deployment of EF-45 systems on a single network.

1)Finds the IP addresses all systems on the network.

2)Assigns IP addresses of any system on the network.

3)Allows upgrades the EF-45 operating libraries and firmware (“FW”) from central console, so upgrade does not have to be done individually through USB memory drive. (Note: the current releases of CMITech C# and C++ SDK’s allow “push” upgrades from customer’s own central console.)

4)Configures the Wiegand output format for access control (AC) installations. Clones output format configuration for replication    on all EF-45 units on the network, so setting the configuration only needs to be done once.

5)Sets EF-45 system parameters from central console. Clones system parameter settings for replication on all EF-45 units on the      network.

How to use this configuration utility and below are steps

The main screen (default) shows:

1) The “Search” function in the top left box;

2)The “Select Device /IP Change” in the center top box;

3)The “Firmware Upgrade” function in the top right box;

4)The Wiegand and System Settings configurator panels in the bottom section of this panel.

A) Finding the IP addresses of EF-45 systems on the network

For finding all EF-45 systems installed on the network, please click on the “Search Device” button. All the EF-45 installed in your local network will be listed.

Please select one the EF-45 systems listed for potential IP address change or FW Upgrade. The IP address of the selected EF-45 will be shown in the IP Address Configuration and the Firmware Upgrade sections.

B) Changing the IP address of an EF-45

1)Change the IP address in case of selecting Static tab and then change IP (address), Gateway, and Subnet to desired setting.

2)Please click on “Apply” button.

3)After a short time, a pop up shows that IP was changed successfully.

4)You can reboot the selected EF-45 in the local network remotely by clicking on the “Reboot Device” button.

c) Firmware Upgrade

You can upgrade firmware of selected EF-45 remotely by selecting file to upload and tab the “Start” button. You can also upgrade multiple devices at the same time by selecting devices in the list.

Note: If you need to downgrade the firmware for some reason, select Force upgrade before proceeding.

1)When the firmware file is uploaded successfully, “Firmware file upload succeeded [From: (IP Address)]” message will appear.

2)The EF-45 device will then upgrade itself automatically, which will take a few minutes.

D) Setting the all configuration parameters on the EF-45

1)You can change and reconfigure all parameters in any single EF-45 unit.

2)To clone parameter set, first read the current parameters of the EF-45 and then save to file. Then ”Write to Device” to copy parameters to other EF-45 units.

E) Setting the Wiegand Configuration

1)The EF-45 supports the following data format for Wiegand:

Wiegand IN: 34 bits (32 bits for ID + 2 parity bits) without Facility bits which are fixed and unchangeable.

Wiegand OUT: all available formats supported including 26bits and 34 bits

2)The default format is the 26 bit Wiegand interface.

3)Change the parameters of Total Bits, Facility Bits, Code, and Parity bit.

4)Please fill out all input fields, and then click on “Write to Device”.

F)Wiegand Input & Output Configuration Guide

Note: Currently, EF-45 supports only 34-bits (32 User ID bits + 2 parity bits) without Facility bits for Wiegand Input while it supports all available formats including 26bits and 34 bits for Wiegand Output.

1)How to set up Wiegand Output In the PC Configuration Utility

Run EF-45ConfigurationUtility.exe.

2)Click Search Device to find your EF-45.

3)Select your EF-45 device from the list.

Note: You can find the IP address of your EF-45 under Settings > Network > TCP/IP.

1)Type pulse data in the Signal field.

2)To configure Wiegand input, type Pulse Width and Pulse Interval in the Input area according to Wiegand input device (e.g. card reader) specification.

To configure Wiegand output, type Pulse Width and Pulse Interval in the

4)Output area according to Wiegand output device (e.g. ACU) specification

5)Configure Wiegand format information (Total Bits, Facility Bits, Facility code) according to your Wiegand environment as follows:

Example 1. Total Bits = 26, Facility Bits = 8, Facility code=1

Type the data as shown below and click Set.

Example 2. Total Bits = 34, Facility Bits = 0, Facility code= 0

 Type the data as shown below and click Set.

1)In the EF-45 system (for Wiegand output data type)

a)Press Settings > Mode > Wiegand > Output type.

b)Select a Wiegand Output data type.

Note: Typically, Card or ID will used for normal operations.

2. How to test Wiegand Output

1)Card Registration during enrollment (Wiegand Input)

2)Tag a card on the card tab to register a card.

a)Make sure that the card ID will appear on the Card field in HEX and on the ID field in Decimal.

Checking Wiegand data output upon authentication (Wiegand Output)

When Card is selected as Output type: “E + Card data 4bytes (from the first byte)+ O”

When ID is selected as Output type: “E + ID data 4bytes + O”

Wiegand Input Connector

The Wiegand Input DATA0 and DATA1 are pulled-up by internal DC +5V supply.

External Rf card reader with EF 45 device connection diagram